For example:
Back in those days when The USA was a Christian nation and nobody challenged the Second Amendment --which was handed down by God to Moses to Jesus to Thomas Jefferson to Wayne LaPierre to Ted Nugent.
Here it is, the Second Amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
Back in those days, though, the concept of an army and a militia were different than nowadays.
Here is a soldier in today's army. They didn't have these back then.
Here is a soldier from the army back then.
Ah, sorry, I've gone back a bit too far. The right to bear arms back then meant swords and things like that. Let's try again.
Yes, here are some reenactment soldiers representing those times. They are firing their smooth bore muskets. These here guns could almost hit the side of a barn at 100 meters. Also, they took some time to reload. A well trained soldier could get off three rounds a minute-- lots of time for the intended target to run like hell and get out of range.
However, such an army was not a regular feature of early American life. As such, a Militia was necessary to defend the nation. Hence that first part of the Second Amendment:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
Here are some guys reenacting what the Militia looked like back then:
And here are some guys who call themselves Militia now:
No, no, sorry. Those are some of the enemy Guatemalan children that the modern 'Militia' are hunting. Let's have another go:
Ah, well that's just a disrespectful, inaccurate picture of a 'Militia' guy nowadays. Let me see if I can get this right...
Yes, here are some guys who call themselves 'Militia'.
But if we are to go back to the original intention of the Second Amendment, we must do away with a regular standing army. We must do away with this...
and we must also do away with guns and apparel that modern 'Militia' members carry. We must do away with this...
and we must return to this...
That would fully represent what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
They could drill every Saturday, but not on Sunday as Sunday is the Sabbath.
There would be no more standing army, except in time of declared war. The War on Terror is not a declared war. George Dubbuyuh dubbin it a war don't make it a 'declared' war. So no more army. Only the Militia would be there to defend our shores. The Militia with muskets.
Militia members could exercise Open Carry without scaring the hell out of people. In fact, it would be quaint, having Open Carry aficionados strutting about in knee breeches and tricorns set at a cocky angle on their heads, and cradling muzzle loading muskets in their arms.
"Hail to thee, neighbour!" I might say to one of them in the produce section of a Piggly Wiggly supermarket. "Any word on the British?"
"Never ye fear, friend," they might retort with a wink and a nod. "The Militia is here to defend ye."
Every Militia member in the USA could bear their muzzle loading musket wherever they went and no one would be up in arms about it.
Mules and horses could replace gas guzzling cars and coal burning pickup trucks too.
It would be grand.
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