After starting off so smoothly in this enterprise-- that of rambling on, on cyber paper, rather than rambling on, on the road-- after beginning this cyber rambling in such a nice way, with the chimp riding round and round in my head, inexhaustible, churning up one thought after another, producing piles and piles of memories, fantasies, and ponderings, so that there was even over-production, and digression upon digression stacked in an adjacent pile, and even memories and fantasies and ponderings and digressions laid aside for future Rambling posts-- several cyber warehouses being filled, stockpiled with material for Rambling posts to last even through a nuclear winter-- after starting off so smoothly, I say, and believing my employee, the chimp on the bicycle, to be a reliable worker-- ambitious, trustworthy, and self-motivated-- I took a holiday from my rambling after reading a travel brochure, leaving the chimp in charge, and when I returned to the inside of my head I found the overstocked warehouses empty, the chimp's bicycle lying on its side in a corner, and the chimp gone, having left behind three banana peels and the very same travel brochure that had got me to take my holiday.
You simply cannot find good help these days.
The travel brochure that I am referring to is by a travel writer named Eckhart Tolle, who paints a pretty picture of a land called Now, where one can relax and cast aside anxiety.
I have read much about this land in my lifetime, by other travel writers such as Buddha, and I have even visited it a few times, but Tolle revived my interest in visiting the land of Now, and so I booked my holiday and took a break from incessant rambling.
I never suspected the chimp would do the same.
So I have nothing to ramble about until I can find my chimp.
I apologize for the inconvenience.
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